  • Data

  • Prevention capacity is directly linked to accurate data which, in turn, highlights and identifies needs, trends, strengths, and weaknesses. APW conducts a biennial survey to measure: a) middle and high school youth risk and protective factors; and, b) substance abuse trends. The results from these surveys influence APW decision making regarding target population and proposed interventions/programs. Capacity is also demonstrated through APW’s ability to inform and influence local decision makers. On a quarterly basis, the Coalition sends a newsletter to over 5,000 local residents and key policy makers. The newsletter contains articles on substance abuse and serves to inform local human/social service providers, families, and decision makers. Each year, APW issues roughly 15 press releases and articles that regularly appear in local papers, newsletters, and other print media. APW is an active member of the Valley Council for Health & Human Services, an organization with over 60 member agencies. This provides a forum for APW allowing it to effectively communicate and interact with every social and human service agency in the Valley.

  • Valley Survey of Student Needs 2016